Terrible Old Games With Ashens

We all know that the phenomenon of bad video games didn’t begin and end with E.T back in the 1980s and that for every great game there are always several awful games that balance things out in the gaming Universe. Joined by celebrity YouTuber and author of ‘Terrible Old Games You’ve Probably Never Heard Of’ Stuart Ashen we’re putting on an exhibition of some of those forgotten stinkers. That’s right! We’re dedicating an entire exhibition to the games that wasted our time, effort and hard earned pocket money as kids and the games that we never played because they scored so low in gaming magazines that..well why would we?

So come along and re-live the agony of playing some of those terrible old games that you threw in the bin or returned to WH Smiths as a kid. Stuart will be hanging out at the museum for most of the day if you’d like to meet him or to get anything signed.

Tickets: http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/40121/Terrible-Old-Games-with-Ashens/
Venue: The Centre for Computing History, Cambridge
 23 January 2016
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm